Centre de Desenvolupament de Sensors, Instrumentació i Sistemes

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Shaping light to your needs

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Juan Carlos Ondategui Parra
Pujol, J; Otero, C; Ferrer, O; Gascón, A; Ondategui-Parra, JC; Aldaba, M; "Repeatability and Agreement of Commercial Instruments For Pupil Measurements: VIP-200, Powered II, WAM-550 and EVA"; American Academy Optometry. 7-10 October 2015. New Orleans (USA).
Otero, C; Aldaba, M; Alavedra-Ortiz, C; Pujol, J; Ondategui-Parra, JC; "The Importance of Number of Readings in Autorefraction"; American Academy Optometry. 7-10 October 2015. New Orleans (USA).
Ondategui-Parra, JC; Borras, R; Fado, A; López-García, E; Aldaba, M; Pujol, J; "Effect of Stimulus Characteristics on Saccadic and Pursuit Movements"; American Academy Optometry. 7-10 October 2015. New Orleans (USA).
Otero C, Aldaba M, Ondategui-Parra JC, Pujol J. (2015): "Effect of proximity clues in pupil measurements". 31st International Pupil Colloquium, 2015. University of Oxford, 13-17th September 2015
Pujol, J; Aldaba, M; Fado, A; López-García, E; Borras, R; Ondategui-Parra, JC. Stimulus speed influence in evaluating pursuit movements measured with a new visual analyzer. European Conference on Eye Movements. Viena. 16-21 Agosto 2015. Póster.
Pujol, J; Aldaba, M; Fado, A; López-García, E; Borras, R; Ondategui-Parra, JC.(2015): "Stimulus speed influence in evaluating pursuit movements measured with a new visual analyzer. European Conference on Eye Movements." Viena, Austria. 16-21 Agosto 2015. Póster.
Ondategui-Parra, JC; Borras, R; López-García, E; Fado, A; Aldaba, M; Pujol, J. (2015): "Influence of Stimulus exposure time in the evaluation of saccades measured with a new visual analyzer". European Conference on Eye Movements. Viena. 16-21 Agosto 2015. Póster.
Pujol, J., Borrás, R., Paniagua, F.J., Sánchez Magán, A., Ondategui, J.C. (2015): "Amplitude of accommodation measurements using the Donders clinical methods and a new vision analyzer". The European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO). 14-17 May, Hungary - Budapest
Ondategui, J. C., Borrás, R., Peris, E., Sánchez, Y., Gómez, S., Pujol, J. (2015): "Comparison of the measures of stereopsis using 4 different methods" The European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO). 14-17 May Hungary, Budapest
Ondategui, J.C., Borràs, R., Peris, E., Gómez, S., Pujol, J. (2015): "Reliability of vergence facility measured subjectly. There are agreement with a new objective device". The European Academy of Optometry and Optics (EAOO). 14-17 May Hungary, Budapest.
CD6 Centre de Desenvolupament de Sensors, Instrumentació i Sistemes
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)