Centre de Desenvolupament de Sensors, Instrumentació i Sistemes

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Shaping light to your needs

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Clara Mestre Ferrer
Turull-Mallofré, A.; Garcia, C.E.; Mestre, C.; Vilaseca, M.; Pujol, J.; Aldaba, M. (2023): "Influence of power and the time of application of fogging lenses on accommodation." Biomedical optics express. Vol. 14 num. 10, article 486442 p. 5488-5498
Mestre, C., Otero, C., Díaz-Doutón, F., Gautier, J., Pujol, J. (2018): "An automated and objective cover test to measure heterophoria". PloS one. Vol. 13, num. 11. e0206674.
Mestre, C., Gautier, J., Pujol, J. (2018): "Robust eye tracking based on multiple corneal reflections for clinical applications". Journal of biomedical optics. Vol. 23 nº3, p.035001-1- 035001-9
CD6 Centre de Desenvolupament de Sensors, Instrumentació i Sistemes
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)