Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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Optical design and simulation


Numerical methods for diffractive calculations in optical simulation environments. Application to the calculation of the PSF of systems with elements of low space period.


The aim of the project is to develop numerical methods to evaluate the diffractive effects displayed in optical systems when there are elements of low spatial period. These methods may allow evaluation of the importance of diffractive effects in metrological instruments, in special in instrumentation that uses deflectometrical concepts.

Novelty and importance of the intended method is that the modeling process was conducted using the discrete calculations model on the actual analytical expression of the diffractive effect. This description must be compatible with the method used for other optical elements present in the optical system, and specially low period gratings.

Low period gratings are particularly important in the study of optical phenomena as they are on the border of the simulation models due to its spatial frequency (around 25 l / mm). This frequency puts them away from any modek that only covers ondulatory aspects, but in addition, the approach from the standpoint of geometrical optics does not provide reliable results. Low period gratings are present in most of the equipment intended to measure wavefront or optical quality. Sometimes may appear explicitly but others are masked by the system, among the latter cases sensors are HS in which the grating appears in the structure of the sensor.

Finally, it is especially important that the new approach seeks to incorporate, as well as enabling environment coexist in a single wave typically descriptions for diffractive effects with geometric descriptions for the rest of the optical system must provide the environment of flexibility in the items want to simulate, flexibility was achieved through the use of methods of calculation with discrete elements.
To achieve the objective proposed class have set three specific objectives: Implementation of discrete computational models for a selection of analytical expressions diffractive effect, implementation of these strategies in the programming environment, and a final stage dedicated to experimental validation from the computational point of view, at this late stage has been referred to a section devoted exclusively to the study of optical systems with large openings.



CD6 Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)