Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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Laguarta, F., Corbalán, R., Merkle, G., Heppner, J., Vilaseca, R. (1986) "Coupling effects between and backward waves in optically pumped linear cavity gas lasers". Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Vol.3, 118-120

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Laguarta, F., Vilaseca, R., Corbalán, R. (1985) "Gain saturation in optically pumped standing-wave gas lasers". Optics Communications. Vol.53, 329-334

Leija-Martínez, N., Casas-Flores, S., D. Cadena-Nava, R., Roca, J.A., Mendez-Cabañas, José A., Gómez E., Ruiz-Garcia, J. (2014): "The separation between the 5'-3' ends in long RNA molecules is short and nearly constant." Nucleic acids research.

M. Aldaba, A. Mira-Agudelo, J. F. Barrera Ramírez, C. E.García-Guerra, J. Pujol Tear film stability assessment by corneal reflex image degradation J. OPt. Soc. Am. 36(4), B110-B115 https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAA.36.00B110 2018

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CD6 Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)