Centre de Desenvolupament de Sensors, Instrumentació i Sistemes

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Shaping light to your needs

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Jaume Pujol Ramo
Santos, P., Martinez-Roda, J.A., Ondategui-Parra, JC, Cazal, J., Ballesta, M., Díaz-Doutón, F., Pujol, J., Vilaseca, M. (2018): "Assessment of corneal scattering using Purkinje images". Annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 2018). Honolulu (Hawaii) 29 April-3 May.
Pujol, J., Otero, C., Aldaba, M., Lopez, S., Díaz-Doutón, F., Vera-Diaz, F. (2018): "An automated accommodative facility test with unpredictable stimuli." ARVO 2018 Annual Meeting 2018. April 29-May 3 Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Mestre, C., Otero, C., Díaz-Doutón, F., Gautier, J., Pujol, J. (2018): "Repeatability and agreement of an automated and objective cover test". ARVO 2018 Annual Meeting. April 29-May 3 Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Rodríguez-Aramendía, A., Diaz, F., Pujol, J., Güell, J., Grulkowski, I. (2018): "Design of a compact SS-OCT system for anterior and posterior segment imaging integrated in an instrument for autonomous evaluation of the visual function". International Conference on BioMedical Photonics 2018. International Conference on BioMedical Photonics: La Grande Motte, France, 16-17 March 2018
Rodríguez-Aramendía, A.; Diaz, F.; Pujol, J.; Güell, J.; Grulkowski, I. (2018): "Design of a compact SS-OCT system for anterior and posterior segment imaging integrated in an instrument for autonomous evaluation of the visual function". International Conference on BioMedical Photonics 2018. International Conference on BioMedical Photonics: La Grande Motte, France, 16-17 March 2018
Pujol, J. (2018): "IP&Patents - What, Why and How (An introduction)". 3nd BEOPTICAL school: High Resolution Optical Imaging, Tissue Optics and Data Analysis (BEOPTICAL project: Advanced Biomedical Optical Imaging and Data Analysis). Montpellier, França.
Mestre, C., Otero, C., Díaz-Doutón, F., Gautier, J., Pujol, J. (2017): "New insights into phoria measurement using an eye-tracker". Academy 2017. Annual meeting American Academy of Optometry. 11-14 October, Chicago, USA
Otero, C., Aldaba, M., Lopez, S., Díaz-Doutón, F., Pujol, J. (2017): "Random changes of accommodative stimulus: an extension of the accommodative facility test". Academy 2017. Annual meeting American Academy of Optometry. 11-14 October, Chicago, USA
Pujol, J., Otero, C., Aldaba, M. (2017): "Parametrization of the relationship between visual acuity and spherocylindrical defocus in a 2-dimensional plane". Academy 2017. Annual meeting American Academy of Optometry. 11-14 Octubre, Chicago, USA.
Pujol, J. (2017): "La luz azul y la salud ocular." Més enllà de l’enllumenat funcional:Diàlegs sobre la llum (Col.legi Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya).
CD6 Centre de Desenvolupament de Sensors, Instrumentació i Sistemes
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)