Centro de Desarrollo de Sensores, Instrumentación y Sistemas

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Shaping light to your needs

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Jaume Pujol Ramo
Herrera-Ramírez, J.,Vilaseca, M., Burgos, F. J., Font, L. , Senserrich, R., Pujol, J. (2014): "Artwork imaging from 370 to 1630 nm using a novel multispectral system. Based on Light-Emitting Diodes". Color Research and Application 40(4) 398-407
Otero C., Vilaseca, M., Arjona, M.; Martínez-Roda, J., Pujol, J. (2015): "Repeatability of Aberrometric Measurements With a New Instrument for Vision Analysis. Based on Adaptive Optics."Journal of Refractive Surgery 2015;31(3):188-194.
García Guerra, C.E, Aldaba Arévalo, M., Arjona Carbonell, M., Pujol Ramo, J. (2015): "Speckle reduction in double-pass retinal images using variable-focus lenses". Journal of the European Optical Society: rapid publications", vol. 10, p. 15001-1-15001-6.
Chorro, E., Perales , E. , Burgos, F. J., Gómez, O., Vilaseca, M., Viqueira, V., Pujol, J., Martínez-Verdú, F. M. (2015): "Minimal number of measurements for color, sparkle and graininess characterization in gonio-apparent panels". Coloration Technology 131 (4) 303-309
Chorro, E., Perales , E., Burgos, F.J., Gómez, O., Vilaseca, M., Viqueira, V., Pujol, J., Martínez-Verdú, F.M. (2015): " The minimum number of measurements for color, sparkle and graininess characterisation in gonio-apparent panels". Coloration Technology 131(4), 303-309
Arama, F.; Pujol, J.; Ajmat, R. F.; Sandoval, J.(2015): "New methodology of light source spectral distribution selection and design for use in museums to properly exhibit and preserve artwork". Light & Engineering. Vol. 23, num. 3, p. 18-23
Herrera-Ramírez, J., Vilaseca, M., Pujol, J. (2014): "Portable multispectral imaging system based on light-emitting diodes for spectral recovery from 370 to 1630 nm. Applied Optics 53(14) 3131-3141
Paz Filgueira, C., Sanchez, R.F., Colombo, E.M., Vilaseca, M., Pujol, J., Issolio, L.A. (2014): "Discrimination between surgical nonsurgical nuclear cataracts based on ROC analysis." Current Eye Research 39(12), 1187-1193.
Sanabria, F., Aldaba, M., Diaz-douton, F., Garcia-Guerra, C., Pujol, J. (2014): "Technical improvements applied to a double-pass setup for performance and cost optimization", Opt. Eng. 53(6), 061710
de Juan, V., Aldaba, M., Martín, R., Vilaseca, M., Herreras, J.M., Pujol, J. (2014): "Optical quality and intraocular scattering assessed with a double-pass system in eyes with contact lens induced corneal swelling." Contact Lens and Anterior Eye 37 (4) 278-284
CD6 Centro de Desarrollo de Sensores, Instrumentación y Sistemas
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)