Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

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Meritxell Vilaseca Ricart
Ondategui-Parra, J., Martínez-Roda, J., Vilaseca, M., Sanabria, F., Pujol, J. (2012):"Use the double-pass technique to quantify optical quality and scattering in amblyopic eyes: A pilot study." ARVO annual meeting 6-10 Maig (2012), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.
Martínez-Roda, J.A., Vilaseca, M., Ondategui, J.C., Paz, C., Sanchez, R., Luque, S., Pujol, J. (2012): "Intraocular scattering gradation from double-pass MTF analysis" ARVO annual meeting 6-10 Maig (2012), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.
Clemente Paz Filgueira, Roberto F. Sanchez, Luis A. Issolio, Meritxell Vilaseca, Jaume Pujol, Elisa M. Colombo (2012): "Objective Discrimination Between Operable And Non-operable Cataracts". ARVO annual meeting 6-10 Maig (2012), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.  
Vilaseca, M., Burgos, F.J., Pujol, J. (2011): "Potential of multispectral techniques for measuring color in the automotive sector."1st BYK-Gardner Iberian Automotive Meeting. Alicante (España)
Ondategui, J.C., Vilaseca, M., Martínez-Roda, J.A., Pujol, J. (2011): "Optical quality in patients with amblyopia" Engineering the eye III, Benasque. 9-13 Juny 2011
Herrera, J.A., Vilaseca, M., Pujol, J. (2011): "Multispectral imaging system with multiplexed illumination for spectral and color measurements". Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association (AIC 2011), Zurich. Del 7 al 10 de Juny.
Vilaseca, M. (2011):"Técnicas multiespectrales e hiperespectrales para la medida del color". Comité Territorial de Óptica de Argentina y Asociación Física Argentina VII Taller de óptica y fotofísica (TOPFOT 2011). Del 19 al 20 de Maig de 2011
Aldaba, M., Vilaseca, M., Arjona, M., Pujol, J. (2011): "Accommodative response measurements based on double pass images". The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting (2011), Fort Lauderdale. Del 1 al 5 de Maig.
de-Juan, V., Aldaba, M., Martín, R., Vilaseca, M., Herreras, J.M., Pujol, J. (2011): "Assessment of the optical quality with a double-pass system in eyes with contact lens induced corneal swelling." The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting (2011) Fort Lauderdale. Del 1 al 5 de Maig.
Ondategui, J.C., Martínez-Roda, J.A., Vilaseca, M., Aguirre, M., Giner, A., Burgos, J., Pujol, J., Aldaba, M., Arjona, M. (2011): "Changes with ageing of retinal image quality in healthy population". The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting (2011). Fort Lauderdale. Del 1 al 5 de Maig.
CD6 Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)