Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Shaping light to your needs

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ACTPHAST 4R: Accelerating Photonics Deployment via one Stop Shop Advanced Technology Access for Researchers

ACTPHAST 4R provides photonics and non-photonics researchers with a one-stop-shop access to a wide range of existing cutting edge photonics technology platforms. The project offers:
  • Internship at photonics technology platforms
  • Hands-on with the advanced photonics technologies
  • Deployment coaching by experienced ACTPHAST4R business development experts

ACTPHAST 4R supports a broad range of applications where photonics plays a key enabling role: Manufacturing, Medical Devices, Lighting, Displays, Communications, Energy, Environment, Transport, Life Sciences, Security, Sensors, Consumer Goods, Food Production, among many more.

If you are a researcher willing to validate your breakthroughs, ACTPHAST 4R is specifically designed to provide access to the advanced photonics technology platforms in order to demonstrate conceptual breakthroughs with industrially-relevant equipment.

ACTPHAST 4R is an Innovation Action funded by the European Commission under H2020 Grant Agreement 825051
CD6 Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)