Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Shaping light to your needs

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The UPC tops the ranking of universities in terms of patent applications in Spain

The recently released European Patent Office (EPO) report highlights that academic institutions continue to make a significant contribution to European patent applications: four of the top ten applicants are scientific or research organizations. The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is the first university in Spain, with 15 patents applied for in 2020, and is in sixth place in this ranking (full news at https: //www.upc. edu / ca / ​​sala-de-premsa / noticies / la-upc-es-la-universitat-que-mes-patenta).

Of the 15 patents applied for by the UPC in 2020, 3 are from CD6:
  • System and method for tracking moving objects in vehicles (Royo, S .; Larriba, J .; Prat, A.)
  • Method and computer programs for characterizing ocula accomodation (Garcia, C.E .; Vilaseca, M .; Diaz, F .; Pujol, J.)
  • Method, system and computer programs for the automatic counting of the number of insects in a trap (Vilaseca, M .; Diaz, F .; Burgos, Francisco J .; Garcia, C.E .; Virgili, A .; Zaragoza, A.)
Since the center's creation in 1997, CD6 researchers have filed a total of 49 patents, 10 of which have been licensed. Income from royalties in 2020 accounted for 7% of the center’s total revenue.

CD6 Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development
Rambla de Sant Nebridi, 10  ·  08222  ·  Terrassa (Barcelona)